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Comment enlever les mauvaises odeurs de votre canapé - Atelier de la housse

How to remove the bad smells from your sofa


How to clean your sofa cover

It is important to take care of your sofa to prevent a strange or unpleasant odor from developing there, because it can quickly make life quite unpleasant. Fortunately, you have many options to manage the smell, even if you don't know exactly where it comes on your sofa. 


If you have adjusted sofa covers on your sofa, you can just start by removing them and put in the washing machine. But if it is not yet an option for any reason, here are some other tips that you can try.

Start by removing all visible spots from your sofa

If you can easily see the tasks on your sofa, these are the most likely culprits of an unpleasant odor, so it's a good plan to treat them first. Start by removing the crumbs or dirt from the surface and between the cushions. You can just use a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner for this. 

For the most stubborn dry stains, you may need to use a hard brush.

Once you have done everything you could with the cloth and the brush, it is now time to take care of the tasks themselves.

To do this, you will need:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • white vinegar
  • baking soda
  • lukewarm water

Take a teaspoon of each and mix everything. Soda bicarbonate and vinegar must react with each other to give you a white foam, which you must then apply directly to the tasks you can see. Once you have passed on all visible tasks, let it dry for ten minutes. Then come back and wipe everything with a clean cloth to get rid of the latest residues. What you should get is a pretty sofa without stains - and hopefully, without smells! Otherwise, keep this baking soda at hand - you will need it for the future.

Keep your sofa fresh with your own DIY tissue cleanser

It’s a simple and inexpensive way to keep your sofa fresh. You can either do it once you have eliminated the initial unpleasant smell, or use it to hide it if you have not fully successful. It costs almost nothing. 

Just start with a cup of white wine vinegar and a cup of water. Mix them, then add half a teaspoon of vegetable glycerin and your favorite essential oil (peppermint or lavender are particularly popular examples). Pour this mixture into an empty vaporizer and voila! Your own DIY tissue cleanser.

Or if you are a fan of classic lemony freshness, here is how to make a tissue teelation with a soft lemon scent. Press the juice of a single lemon (whole) in a cup filled with 3/4 hot water. Mix well, dip a sponge or a cloth and firmly wipe the fabric of your sofa by making circular movements. Here, your sofa smells good.

Enjoy a small ray of sunshine

Another way to fight against bad odors on your sofa is to use natural light, which can be a very effective measure during the brightest months of the year. We will spare you the lesson in detailed science, but what is essentially happening is that when your sofa is exposed to direct sunlight, the UV rays of these rays kill bacteria that cause this odor. If your sofa is not directly exposed to sunlight, you just need to move it.

Before doing this, it is very important to check the characteristics of the fabric of your sofa, because some of them can be very subject to discoloration under direct sunlight. Just as UV rays can kill bacteria, they can also weaken chemical bonds in the dye which gives its color to the fabric of your sofa, so check the labels (or from the manufacturer) beforehand.

Change your sofa covers

Of course, if you still have trouble eliminating the smell of your sofa from your sofa rather than the sofa itself, you can still cheat. THE Removable sofa covers can give you a great way to keep your sofa like new. 

If they are stained or smelly, you can just remove them when you want and put your Sofa covers in the washing machine. So when they come out, you can again take advantage of the immaculate aspect of your sofa!

And if you like the idea, you are exactly in the right place. At Atelier de la Cove, we take care to provide a full range of sofa covers, chair covers and more in a wide variety of colors to choose from, so that you can always find many options that suit you.


In summary, changing the sofa covers can be a practical and economical solution to keep your sofa fresh and in good condition, and the workshop workshop offers a wide variety of choices to help you find the perfect cover for your sofa or your chair.

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