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Comment garder vos meubles propres avec des animaux de compagnie ?

How to keep your furniture clean with pets?


Protect your furniture with our sofa or armchair covers

You would find it difficult to find a person who does not think his pet is the best thing in the world. There are so many advantages in having a pet that most people never really think of the disadvantages unless they are directly confronted with it. 


In some cases it can be a problem if you are not prepared. Dogs and cats for example lose their hair, these same hairs are found on your sofa or take the form of balls that slide under the furniture. Cats have the annoying habit of scratching on the armrests of the sofas or chairs. All this can, over time, damage your furniture often forcing you to replace them.

To help you make sure that your furniture remains as good as possible, we have drawn up a list of tips to keep your furniture clean with domestic animals.

Make the pets from the furniture

Although we realize that training your dog or cat to stay away from furniture may seem an impossible task, it is by far the most effective. Your pet cannot dirty your sofa if it is never on it. In addition, the claws of your pets can be very sharp, which can tear the fabric over time. 

For this, it is essential to instill good manners to your pet from an early age. Now we are aware that for a cat, it can be quite complicated. But it is possible with time and perseverance.

Toilet your pets regularly

Since we know that most people like to have their pet sitting with them on the sofa or the chair, we will focus on our other tips, as a grooming animals as often as possible. Whether you do it with a professional or do it yourself, remove all the dead hairs from your animal and cut them on occasion will reduce the quantity that will accumulate on your furniture and elsewhere in the house.

Give your cat a scratch or cat tree

Cats need a place to scratch and get the claws, and this can often happen on your furniture if you do not provide them with an appropriate alternative. Cat scratches can easily cause damage to sofas and other padded furniture, which can be expensive to repair. To avoid this, it is recommended to buy a cat scraper and place it near the sofa or other furniture that your cat could scratch.

There are different types of cat scrapers, ranging from simple cardboard scrapers to more elaborate cat trees. Cardboard scrapers are generally the most affordable and can be easily thrown and replaced. Cat trees are more expensive, but often offer more features such as areas for climbing and integrated toys.

It is important to show your cat how to use the scraper by encouraging it to make its claws and by offering it rewards when it does it correctly. If your cat continues to scratch your furniture despite the use of a scraper, you may consider using cat repellents on your furniture to dissuade your cat from scratching them.

By providing your cat with an appropriate place to make its claws, you can help protect your furniture from damage caused by its scratches. Using a cat scraper is therefore a great way to prevent damage on your sofas and other padded furniture while providing your cat with a place where it can scratch in complete safety.

Equip you with accessories to remove the hair 

No matter what frequency you are going to groom your dog or cat, there will always be hairs that will fall and end up staying on your sofa or chair. This is why it is always a good idea to have something to clean it at hand. Most people use the vacuum cleaner to do this, but it is not always practical and small auxiliary vacuum cleaners are not as powerful to eliminate hair. The rollers that capture hairs or other portable cleaning accessories are quite effective in addition to being practical. 

Manage the damage as soon as you see them

Not all damage caused by pets do not only imply hairs. Your pet can also be sick and stain your sofa. Although these damage should not occur frequently, you will want to have cleaning products at hand to clean the damage before they enter your furniture. The more you wait, the more difficult it will be to go out.

Cover your furniture

No matter what you do or your efforts, it is not always enough to keep your furniture clean with pets. Sometimes you will have to actively protect your sofa with a removable cover. These can be easily removed and cleaned in the washing machine whenever they are dirty. You can also buy a model that does not retain animal hair and is easy to clean, like a Microfiber sofa cover.

So don't wait to have to change the sofa because of your pet. No matter what you choose, we have sofa covers that will adapt perfectly to your sofa and protect it from the damage that your pet leaves behind.

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